Installing Moxly CMS

System Requirements

System Requirements

Server Requirements:

The platform uses PHP language version 8.1 and operating system Ubuntu 20. We would like to note that the php 8.1 version must be installed both for the domain and for use in the console (via SSH).
  • The platform requires either a dedicated server or a VPS with root access.
  • Beforehand, a domain must be connected on the server and an SSL certificate for this domain must be configured.
  • The operating system used for CMS – Ubuntu 20.
  • We recommend the following configuration: 4 GB of RAM, at least 40 GB of hard disk space (preferably SSD), 2+ CORE.
  • You need to increase PHP max_execution_time in Apache or NGINX and for PHP in CLI mode to 1200

You can install these add-ons yourself, or contact the technical support of your hosting.

Also, for PHP, the following extensions must be installed:

  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • MySQL PHP Extension
  • DOM PHP Extension
  • ZIP PHP Extension
  • CURL PHP Extension
PHP should also include the following functions:
To enable exec() function, you need to remove it from the following line in your php.ini file: 
disable_functions = "show_source, system, shell_exec, exec" 

Overview and Introduction

Technologies and frameworks used in the platform:
Laravel 8.1 for backend
Angular 11 for frontend
Ionic 6, Angular14+ and CapacitorJS 4 for the mobile part
The mobile part can also use Cordova plugins.

Software used and Install Step-by-step

The following packages must be installed for the platform to work:

– NodeJS – v14.20 or higher
– NPM – 8.5.5 or higher
– Ionic – v6 or higher
– Capacitor v3 or higher
– PHP 8.x for CGI and CLI use.

After preparing the server, you need to follow these steps:

– Set the domain name to be used for the platform
– Setup domain dir in server
– Install an SSL certificate, since the platform only works with a secure connection.
– Create MySQL database
– Upload to domain folder and unpack.

After then, open your domain url in browser and make install with follow the instructions.